The University of Utah Stem Cell Facility generates feeder-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from human blood, skin fibroblasts, and potentially other cell-types.
iPSC Differentation Services:
Methods for differentating IPSCs into a variety of lineages are improving and developing at a rapid pace. Currently we use established protocols that efficiently convert iPSCs into cardiomyocytes/cardiovascular cells. We are exploring options for generating neural lineages. Other cell-type specific protocols may follow. We welcome any inquiries into available resources and will provide basic advice on how to prep iPSCs for differentiation into desired lineages.
Colin Maguire
Director Cellular Translational Research Core
26 N Medical Drive, Wintrobe, Rm. 203
SLC, UT 84112

iPSC Differentation Services:
Methods for differentating IPSCs into a variety of lineages are improving and developing at a rapid pace. Currently we use established protocols that efficiently convert iPSCs into cardiomyocytes/cardiovascular cells. We are exploring options for generating neural lineages. Other cell-type specific protocols may follow. We welcome any inquiries into available resources and will provide basic advice on how to prep iPSCs for differentiation into desired lineages.
Colin Maguire
Director Cellular Translational Research Core
26 N Medical Drive, Wintrobe, Rm. 203
SLC, UT 84112