Tom and Sue Ellison Stem Cell Core
The Tom and Sue Ellison Stem Cell Core is a unique and top of the line facility located within the University of Washington’s Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine. The facility and all equipment within was either built and or purchased using private funding in support of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research, and thus, the facility is not restricted to federally approved cell lines. The primary goal of the Ellison Core is to facilitate and promote the research use of hESC within the Seattle biomedical community. Toward this end, the core provides assistance with pilot studies to determine the feasibility of a project, to generate preliminary data for grant funding and to allow the initiating lab to determine whether to incorporate hESC culture techniques into their lab.
The Ellison Core provides training to disseminate expertise and provides long-term support to assure a successful transition. Training includes methods to generate induced pluripotent stem cells. In addition, the core generates new hESC lines, expands and freezes stocks of characterized and qualified hESC lines for distribution and provides in-core access to lines legally limited to within Core use.
There is a research component for the Ellison Core that is focused on understanding self-renewal culture of pluripotent stem cells and the means to maintain the broadest base of pluripotency potential for future translational goals. Another goal is to keep current on regulations, at times helping to provide the necessary regulatory framework so that research will not be hindered.
Julie Mathieu, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Medicine
Director, Ellison Stem Cell Core
Co-director, UW Mouse CRISPR Core
Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
University of Washington,
(206) 616-5143

The Tom and Sue Ellison Stem Cell Core is a unique and top of the line facility located within the University of Washington’s Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine. The facility and all equipment within was either built and or purchased using private funding in support of human embryonic stem cell (hESC) research, and thus, the facility is not restricted to federally approved cell lines. The primary goal of the Ellison Core is to facilitate and promote the research use of hESC within the Seattle biomedical community. Toward this end, the core provides assistance with pilot studies to determine the feasibility of a project, to generate preliminary data for grant funding and to allow the initiating lab to determine whether to incorporate hESC culture techniques into their lab.
The Ellison Core provides training to disseminate expertise and provides long-term support to assure a successful transition. Training includes methods to generate induced pluripotent stem cells. In addition, the core generates new hESC lines, expands and freezes stocks of characterized and qualified hESC lines for distribution and provides in-core access to lines legally limited to within Core use.
There is a research component for the Ellison Core that is focused on understanding self-renewal culture of pluripotent stem cells and the means to maintain the broadest base of pluripotency potential for future translational goals. Another goal is to keep current on regulations, at times helping to provide the necessary regulatory framework so that research will not be hindered.
Julie Mathieu, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Comparative Medicine
Director, Ellison Stem Cell Core
Co-director, UW Mouse CRISPR Core
Institute for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine
University of Washington,
(206) 616-5143