Located at the Meilahti campus of the University of Helsinki, the Biomedicum Stem Cell Center (BSCC) core facility offers a comprehensive range of services related to human pluripotent stem cells. BSCC provides customized hiPSC derivation and gene editing services using the latest technologies on a fee-for-service basis. Our core facility is equipped with essential cell culture equipment, including laminar flow hoods, incubators, centrifuges, and microscopes.
The BSCC core facility is led by Director Prof. Timo Otonkoski, Core Manager Doc. Ras Trokovic, and Lab Technician Agnes Viherä.
BSCC core facility operates as part of the larger Otonkoski lab, which focuses on nuclear reprogramming and genome editing techniques to understand the underlying mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell failure leading to diabetes.
web pages:
BSCC core facility: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/pluripotency-and-disease-modeling/bscc-core-facility
Otonkoski lab: https://www.helsinki.fi/en/researchgroups/pluripotency-and-disease-modeling