The Stem Cell Research Core at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute provides comprehensive assistance for basic stem cell research with tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications. Our state-of-the-art facility supports collaborative projects involving cell biology, biomedical engineering, chemical engineering and informatics research. We offer consultation for academic and industry partners regarding project design, assay development, funding applications, and research compliance. The laboratory is a fully-equipped aseptic cell culture facility that also promotes rapid workflow development including automated liquid handling, high-content imaging and analysis, and time-lapse microscopy. A range of reagents and services are available to further facilitate both long-term and pilot projects in stem cell research.
The Stem Cell Research Core works together with adjacent core facilities providing equipment and expertise in advanced microscopy, flow cytometry, molecular biology, proteomics, nuclear magnetic resonance and animal research, all of which are part of the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies (CBIS) headed by Deepak Vashishth. The Stem Cell Research Core also serves as the Rensselaer Center for Stem Cell Research (RCSCR) under the direction of Glenn Monastersky (PI, NYSTEM Contract C026717).